Generational curses are not automatic, as many people think, so also are generational blessings not automatic. A lot of ministers are eating fat and milking God’s people through ministries dedicated to breaking curses that Jesus had already broken, and it’s a shame and a pain to see ‘children’ of God move from one fruitless exercise one week to another. The focus of their lives is not ‘the blessings’ of God but ‘the curses’ of satanic agents; curses which have already been broken for them on the Cross, about 2,000 years ago. I think when the truth is so simple then it becomes so easily complicated for many. Or how do you justify that Jesus didn’t take away what He said He actually took away? Is he a liar? God forbid. Then what is the issue we have with accepting Him at His word?

If generational curses are always following you about, as you assume. Then ask yourself, is it only curses I inherited? What of the blessings? Why are they not automatically following me, as well. The truth is this, nothing follows you, except what you activate on yourself. Your family background sure had its own blessings as curses. Why are the blessings of your background not showing up on you, is there none at all? Did you honestly think it’s all curses, curses? There should be blessings: like there is night, there should be day too? Why is it always curses that overwhelm you? If you always placed the actions leading to blessings in your life upon your state with God, and upon what you believed for, hoped for, so are you not saying you are responsible for what you receive? Why then are you holding your parents and their parents responsible for your failures and despairs in life? You score yourself up for the good-turns in your life, and you score the family tree down for the bad-turns? Until you re-arrange your mentality and renew your mind, you will always live your life breaking curses. You are responsible to activate what you want to see in your life. When you live a life that activates blessings, blessings come; when you live a life that activates curses, curses show up and overwhelm you. What made curses appear to have repetitions , like patterns, moving through the slits of one generation to the next is because the characters in each generation simply switch them on. To whom you yield yourself to be slaves under, you empower, activate, allow, to be your master.

Are we saying curses are not real? Nobody is saying so, curses are real. But JESUS came specifically to set us free from all the curses, including all the sins we ever sinned, by just ONE sacrifice, by just ONE victory, which He offered ONCE AND FOR ALL. Therefore, the good news is, WHEN you are in CHRIST, you’re complete in HIM and FREE. Free from all curses. They cease to be real in your life. What becomes real is the blessing of God that enriches without adding sorrow. God’s words – what He says about you as a new creation becomes your acceptable and applicable reality. Your responsibility is, ABIDE IN HIM. Christian faith is not built on a lie. The truth is not white and black; it is either white or black. God’s truths are absolutes, not relatives. And your victory in life is basically anchored on your absolute faith in GOD. If God says this is it; you must believe it, act on it and activate it. The results of taking God at His word are matchless, and those results make your life beautiful to live.

Something happened just now, as I was about concluding this exhortation. I almost lost everything you read, or are reading now. The reason is simple. But it would have been so painful to lose what I wanted to ‘bless’ you with. I was unaware that I was not connected to power. I thought I was. And the whole ‘blessing’ here would have been lost. But just before the battery would die out, I realized that my device was not plugged to the source of power. Immediately I got plugged to the source, my ‘blessing’ stayed. Why? I am connected to the source. I believe we can all learn something there too. If you’re connected to God, blessing comes to stay. If you are not, I am sorry for you. Because if you’re disconnected from God, and repeating the set of actions of generations behind you that would only lead to curses, then curses will be guaranteed. Hence, to receive a different result, connect (back) to God, be sincerely born-again, stand upon the promises of God, do not stagger, but be strong in your faith in God, believing and taking God at His Word, refuse the lies of Satan, affirm only the truth of God’s Word, because they are blessed truths, and you will see a blessed result in your life. SHALOM.